Read the book

It is excellent

We were going to have children, but that would have severely drained my power crystals



Merkin, you are so correct. No movie version of ATKM can do justice to the themes of the novel. I first read it in 1973 as a junior in high school and have read it two more times since. My daughter and son both received a copy of the novel when they were in HS and we discussed the story when we visited New Orleans for Mardis Gras. The fact that it is based on the true story of Huey Long makes it interesting to visit LA.

The Great Gatsby and ATKM are my favorite American novels.


Yer right. The book has some episodes that are difficult to bring out in a movie. Besides that, it's just great.


I especially like the 'story within a story' about Jackie Burden's past.


the movie cant touch the book. the book is a giant. the movie is a midget.


Yeah, after reading the novel I watched the movie and was really let down.
