Strange Ending

I felt left up in the air by the abrupt ending.

When John Ireland's character said 'The people still believe in him' I thought he was going to actually do something to make them realize what an evil man Stark really was.


When John Ireland's character said 'The people still believe in him' I thought he was going to actually do something to make them realize what an evil man Stark really was.

I believe that Jack in time would have revealed the truth about Stark, but not till after the film's end. As he told Anne, they had to give "Adam's death meaning, so that it wasn't wasted". Jack may have gone back to his old job as a reporter and write a number of articles on Stark's corrupt actions in order to persuade Stark's followers about the truth.

"I'd rather be hated for who I am, than loved for who I am not".


I agree he would have eventually told the truth. Jack had always dug for the truth as a reporter as well as the keeper of the book.


His voice-over during the film indicates just that. He told the truth eventually.


I thought the ending was abrupt, also, like the producers wanted to wrap it up to meet a certain release date. Kinda detracts from the whole epic feel it seemed to attempt. I really hated the part of the guy on the loudspeaker: DON'T GO AWAY! STAY WHERE YOU ARE! STAY WHERE YOU ARE! It could have been handled 1,000 different ways and been better. They wasted a big opportunity there with all those extras. Instead it seemed really cheap, amateurish and hokey.
