The Remake?

Jude Law is too young to be Burden

We were going to have children, but that would have severely drained my power crystals



John Ireland, who originally played Jack Burden, was 35 - just two years older than Jude Law's current age - when the original ATKM came out.




I agree. Although the new one was horrible as well.


I was disapointed when I found out that this would be Zallians next project, the guy has alot of potential and it's a waste to use it on a needless remake of a classic film


Sean Penn was great! Everyone else wasn't that good. If they would have used a better screenplay maybe it couldve won best actor.

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I thought John Ireland was too old. Baed on the dialogue I thibk Jack was mid 20's at the beginning and Ireland looked 40. But that would make Law too old also.


I pictured Jack to be in his late 20s when I read the book - old enough to be cynical but young enough to still care. So Jude Law was fine in the role.

The problem with the original and the remake is that it is impossible in two hours to tell the essential story of Jack Burden. The Cass Mastern part of the book is important to the story but could never be part of a movie.

All things considered I prefer the original to the remake. Crawford looks more like Willie than Sean Penn (Gandolfini would have made a better Willie). But neither version is as good as the book and I thank Mr Hof in my junior year of HS for assigning it to us.


I couldn't handle watching Sean Penn perform his ridiculous "Southern" caricature for 2+ hours. The previews are laughably bad enough. Fake Southern accents drive me nuts.
