$100 to Dwight Everly

In the scene near the end of the film, when they're going through expenses, the notary asks about a $100 check to "Dwight Everly." Adam says it was a bet he lost that was silly. I was wondering if this is a reference to something earlier in the film, or just a random bit of dialogue. I don't see a Dwight Everly on the cast list or anything.



It's not random dialogue, but there is no previous mention of this bet or person in the film.

In this scene each of them is cautiously trying to make peace with one another: both are graciously trying to accept responsibility for each others' expenses & both are looking to recall a shared moment of the past year to happily reminisce. The $100 wager is one of those moments that Tracy's character briefly tries to share as what he recalls as a funny incidence; but he quickly abandons the story when he sees that she doesn't immediately respond favorably.

So the it's not random, but it's backstory is not detailed either.
