MovieChat Forums > Adam's Rib (1949) Discussion > Judy Holliday in this film

Judy Holliday in this film

Has to be one of the great supporting performances on film; not being a huge fan of Adam's Rib, I overlooked Holliday the first time(s) I saw it and now have a new appreciation of this performance. Hysterically funny (especially at beginning and during jail interveiw), but simultaneously full of pathos; plus, her timing and delivery of dialogue is impeccable.


Judy had such great talent, and it flowered all too briefly. One of my favorite roles for any actress remains her portrayal of 'kept' woman Billie Dawn, who overcomes her own and others' limited expectations to emerge vital and vibrant in the great Born Yesterday.


I read somewhere that Hepburn was instrumental in getting Holliday the part of Doris and insisted to Cukor before filming began that Doris' role be beefed up and insisted that all of her scenes with Holliday were adjusted to get Holliday the laughs she so richly deserved.


Judy Holliday deserved an Oscar nomination for this film. She was great.

"Let us be crooked but never common"
