Above Average

I thought this was an above average movie with good performance by Alan Ladd and Preston Foster. Ladd was a darn good actor in Westerns. His small stature was his only drawback.

What are you gonna do? Kill me? Every body Dies. John Garfield (Body and Soul)


Yes, thoroughly enjoyable, with good performances by both. Ladd was good in any genre he chose. As for his height being a drawback, that'd only be in the minds of the shallow. Mr. Ladd was a great talent, and better looking on his worst day than most of us are on our best.


It was Robert Preston. Preston Foster was a different guy, who was not in this movie.

As for Ladd's height, I don't think it matters, but I did notice that he was about an inch shorter than his sidekick, William Demarest. Probably the only time that ever happened in a movie.


His height was the butt of jokes back in the day but whatever he lacked in height he gained in charm and charisma.
