Why was Dobbs in Mexico?

Looking for work? Isn't it usually the other way around?


When your down and out, your last of your American money will go farther in Mexico.

Many retirees that only have a modest nest egg (say $200,000 or so) go to retirement communities in Mexico to make it last longer.


interesting... but he had nothing... maybe was running from his past? family / law / crime /etc...?


Just watched it again today. The movie was based in the novel of the same name (1927) where two young men "were driven by economic plight".

I haven't read the book.

Interestingly, the author of the book a German B. Traven, identity remains unknown. (wikipedia)


That's intresting, I thought his Identity was known. There was a BBC program years ago and a book resulted - I have a copy somewhere. But I suspect the legend is more interesting so it persists - much like that other great mystery, when was Bogart born?
