MovieChat Forums > The Treasure of the Sierra Madre (1948) Discussion > Where was 'the Walter Huston Dance'?

Where was 'the Walter Huston Dance'?

Growing up, one of my very favorite movies was City Slickers and City Slickers 2, and I always remembered the part at the end of #2 where Billy Crystal does "The Walter Huston Dance, from the Treasure of Sierra Madre".

Today, I was skimming the guide on my cable box and saw it was playing on TCM, so I flipped to it and watched what was left. I missed the first hour, but I paid close attention during the rest. I caught the famous "We ain't got to show no stinkin' badges", but I didn't see any dancing.

I missed the first hour of the movie, and I did step away multiple times. Did I miss it? What part of the movie is this "Walter Huston Dance"? I have a feeling it was in the beginning? (John Lovitz' character acknowledges the dance in City Slickers by saying "he found the gold; he did the dance!" I don't remember catching a glimpse of them finding the gold...the only thing I saw going on in the portion of the movie I watched was them on the run).


It's where Bogart and Holt are talking about giving up and going back. Huston berates them and says they've made it to the spot where gold is. He does the dance and then suggests they move up the mountain to find the source. In other words the scene is right before they set up the mine and camp.


The dance is at the 31 minutes mark.

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