MovieChat Forums > Sorry, Wrong Number (1948) Discussion > Can anyone give me some ideas for a simi...

Can anyone give me some ideas for a similar short film?

Hey everyone. I'm a 15-year-old male Canadian aspiring to become a professional filmmaker. One of my favourite films is Sorry Wrong Number (and the radio play is probably my favourite modern play as it is one of the most suspenseful things I've ever read), and I've been driving myself nuts trying to think of an idea for a low-budget short film that would be similar to the premise of this work. It would take place in a suburban community, and it would star my aunt (37 years old), her husband who is slightly older and my parents (both are 40). If anyone can think of any ideas that are similar to this film or the original work that I could make a suspenseful short film based on, I would be most obliged.

Thank you! Any kind of idea would be great for me. I'm simply interested in creating the kind of suspenseful sensation I felt while reading the final moments of the radio play and watching the final scene of this masterful
motion picture. Thanks a bunch! =)


"We all go a little mad sometimes."
~Anthony Perkins as Norman Bates, PSYCHO


i dont have a special idea for you as im far from being a creative person (ya know if i see art whatever the kind, literature,a painting, a movie a piece of music, im fast at hand to criticise but i could never do it myself; the typical critic lol) i think the key to making a good movie , be it short or long, is a good script, i.e. good dialogue [on this i totally agree with billy wilder (sorry wrote my final paper on film noir)] so get or write a good dialogue and the movie is in the box so to speak no matter who appears in it (take gary cooper in love in the afternoon: total miscast, though i love him, but the movie is just wonderful and that is due to the script!). so, sorry i couldnt help you with creative ideas but none the less keep on going! we need good movie-makers! :-)

~*°Real diamonds! They must be worth their weight in gold!°*~


You might like another story from the Suspense radio series, "The House in Cypress Canyon". You can find copies of the script online, but try to listen to the mp3 first. You won't be disappointed. Suspense was a great series.


Thank you both for replying. I totally agree about creating a great movie by writing a great script. Dialogue and character development are definitely the key parts when it comes to filmmaking. As for The House in Cypress Canyon, I will be sure to locate a copy of the script and read that, just like I did for Sorry Wrong Number. Again, thank you both.

"Words of wisdom, Lloyd. Words - of - wisdom."
-- Jack Nicholson as Jack Torrance in THE SHINING
