Fainting scene

I'm sorry, but I had to laugh at the fainting scene!

It's the manner in which Ms. Garland faints - first throwing her head back (very dramatically and out of the blue) and then falling face-first onto the ground. I had to watch it a few times to make sure I was really seeing it correctly!

Am I the only one that gets a chuckle out of this scene?

"Mister, I don't want to kill you and you don't want to be dead." Mal - Silverado


The gest of the movie was to kill 'em with panache! Something audiences of the day didn't get (took 20 years for the joke to be recognized)...


Yes, all the little touches made this movie brilliant. Like that gag of Gladys Cooper's, when she dashes outside to call "Capucho!" only to find that she has just pushed past him. And all the crowd scenes are expertly directed as well. Vincente Minnelli certainly had an eye and an ear and a mind for splendid detail!

The closest movies to my heart: http://www.imdb.com/mymovies/list?l=46910443


No need to apologize! It IS absolutely hilarious, not to mention exceptionally well done. I wish I could replicate it--and I've tried, God knows!--but no one is equal to the fabulous Ms. Garland!


So funny, I noticed it too! Gosh that woman is brilliant. <3
