Funniest Line In the Film

I love this film - it's in my top twenty - but I have to say that the funniest line is probably when Bill Cole (friend of the family - just came in to get out of the rain) says that Jim Blandings - played by Cary Grant!! - is "as typical a New Yorker as anyone you'll ever meet"!!!

"If you found the pot of gold at the end of the rainbow, there'd be a tax collector sitting on the lid."


Even funnier when he says "bill cole, friend of the family"


I think the well digger was hilarious when explaining why he hasn't hit water yet.


Precocious Joan Blandings:

Oh look. Mother's diary. It's slightly torrid.


yeah, seems good film.


Oh the best line (though somewhat topical) is when the guy varnishing the floor that Blandings ruins by walking all over it, says (voiced over by Cole) "The Republicans ain't in yet, ya know!". I love that line!


i liked when the architects tells Grant (who's sketching his floor plan) there's no room for the stair leading up to the 2nd storey and Grant says "there's some room there, behind the pantry"

LOL wtf

