BLAND is right

Saw this for the first time tonight, as I bought it at Target as part of a
four-pack of Cary Grant films. My main reason was for the still-wonderful
"The Bachelor and the Bobby-Soxer", which is far superior to this
pedestrian comedy. It was nice to see Grant paired again with Myrna Loy,
but too much of the film is endless blueprint scenes, tiresome contracting
scenes, and an anemic jealousy subplot (who the hell would want Melvyn
Douglass when you're marred to CARY GRANT??).

The film has a few cute moments (when they get trapped in the "powder room", for
example), but it was mostly the stuff you'd see later in countless sitcoms.

The similarly-themed "The Egg and I", which came out the previous year is
a much funnier and far more satisfying film.


but it was mostly the stuff you'd see later in countless sitcoms.

Is it really fair to criticize a film because future sitcoms copied the humor? That's like saying that athletes of the 40's weren't really good because today's athletes are better.

Fowler's knots? Did you say ... fowler's knots?


it's one I've only ever found mildly amusing. i don't really find endelss things going wrong with a house that funny. it gets a bit monotonous after a while.


I empathize. How dare a movie ever bore the great and wonderful ME?


Wow! I guess I am in the minority. I loved this and I found it extremely funny.
Maybe it is because I have lived through house building and countless remodeling jobs. I know what can go wrong and I also know that the initial cost estimate will double before the job is finished.
I do agree though...... "who the hell would want Melvyn
Douglass when you're marred to CARY GRANT???"


I loved it, too! Was it my favorite Cary Grant movie ever? No, but I enjoyed the black humor of them [spoiler]sinking more and more dough into that money pit, the double well digging scene, [/spoiler] and it was another classic Grant film of him doing what he does best.


A good film rather than a great one, and it's mainly good because Grand and Loy are so funny and charming. Without them it would be nothing but endless complaints and frustration over the damn house, they make it worth watching.

That's what the very best actors do, they actually improve the scripts they're given, without changing a word.


They really do make it worth watching! I agree, technically it qualifies as good rather than great, yet with Grant and Loy in it, I will rewatch it many more times. Such an enjoyable and funny movie. :)


It's not fair to compare todays humor and movie to movies of
70 years ago, and vice versa. Most of the movies, not all, but
most of the older movies if you were to see the originals and
then remakes or rip-offs, I would prefer the older classic versions.

The are slower, less going on, but I just like the older movies better
most of the time. Not to say I dislike all new movies, but like music,
I find that movies and music both of today are often disgusting and
pandering to the very stupid.

I saw Cary Grant in Houseboat the other day, a movie I really loved
as a kid, but when I had a chance to see it again there were a lot of
holes in it, and bad acting ... it was absurd. It was made for a kid.
But Father Goose is still one of my favorites. And there are a lot of
older Cary Grant movies that are worth watching, and who could
ever get tired of watching Myrna Loy.

There is just something wrong with most movies today, even if they
do have some laughs of action in them.


Okay then.



This movie is one of Grant's and Loy's best comedies.
