WHY is the Blu Ray so Rare???

It annoys me to no end how many classic films get screwed over by blu ray! Most are rare or nonexistent! This one was JUST released yet it's rare and extremely pricey!!! WTF?????????????????????????????????????????????????????

Somewhere in the universe there has to be something better than man


Go to Turner Classic Movies web site and order it.


I love your post script
"Somewhere in the universe..."
It's funny, yet more then likely true.

TCM only did a small pressing of these TLFS Blu-Rays. They had exclusive rights and charged 39.99 to 44.99 depending on if it was on sale. Rare, plus an expensive start price isn't good for us collectors.
I just bought my copy on eBay for $32. Not too bad. I'm thankful it hasn't skyrocketed to $150+ "The Third Man" criterion BluRay prices yet. I'm sure it will. Buy it now before it's not worth it.

This movie is an amazing, misunderstood Noir masterpiece. Other then a few European movies Orson made, (Falstaff, The Trial, and Othello) Welles' really pumped out great films in Hollywood. He is the single most under appreciated Filmmaker of all time. His reputation was undeserved. Tell me anyone who worked harder. He used ambulances with siren and all just to do multiple radio programs on the same night. Maybe his movies would have made more money if Ambersons was edited to Welles' detailed outline of how he wanted it scored and edited. That movie gave him a bad rap unjustly. He would have finished on budget if he wasn't trying to help mend nations with his opus of South America which by the way wasn't allowed to be finished either. He didn't ask to go to Brazil, he was sent there. From the footage I've seen, he wasn't there wasting money. What is left looks amazing.
I wish the studio never sent him to South America. I'm one of those people who think if not butchered by the studio, Ambersons could have been better then Citizen Kane. The studio also messed with this movie (TLFS) by "removing the most interesting scenes" (Welles own words) but worst of all, Bernard Hermann supposedly gave this movie a hauntingly beautiful score, just to be almost all removed with the remaining parts changed around. Stop for a second and think what this movie would be like with a "Psycho" style score. Hermann is mostly known for his Hitchcock collaborations, but he worked with Welles on many, many projects. Including on the radio, where Welles developed his amazing style of dialog delivery, story telling, narration, and editing.
This movies a 10!


Mill Creek Entertainment are releasing this film on Region 1 DVD on March 17. Suggested retail price is $14.98.

I am the Duke of IMDb bio writers! I am A#1!


The Mill Creek disc is the best of the three so far. It is also the cheapest by far. Amazon are selling it for about 7 dollars.
