MovieChat Forums > He Walked by Night Discussion > What life did Erwin Walker lead after hi...

What life did Erwin Walker lead after his release from prison?

Erwin Walker--the murderer in He Walked By Night--appears to have been tormented by a poor decision he made in WWII costing his best friend to be bayoneted and die. Is there a web site describing Walker's life after his pardon and release from prison? A man by the name of Keith Owen, who lived in Las Vegas at some point, claims to have been his stepson. He wrote a brief tribute to the police officer killed by his stepfather: Loren Cornwell Roosevelt. Any info on Walker? Did he redeem himself? Did he go on to commit more crimes? What happened with him?

' Pardon me while I have a strange interlude.'-Marx


I'm Jonathon Walker, Erwin's son. I never really knew my father but my half brother Keith Owen visited him and put me in touch with him before he died in 2007.

Unfortunately, I never got into contact with him. The Reno mortuary sent me some of his things that I still haven't opened yet. Until now I've not really dealt with all of this even though I knew it was there.

I live in Chicago now. Thank you for having this information up. It's strange that outsiders know more about our family affairs than we were ever told.

[email protected]


Hi Jonathon, thank you for posting here briefly on your story. I imagine you've had many strange moments trying to fathom your father's actions and life.

It's brave of you to enter into a public forum like this.

I wonder how you feel about He Walked By Night - if, of course, you have watched it, and I totally understand if you have chosen not to.

Personally, I find Basehart's performance, and the writing of the character Roy Martin, pretty nuanced and complex. He genuinely appears to be suffering from some kind of illness/confusion/delusion, rather being the simple villainous type he might well have been, had lesser talent been behind the film's creation. I found myself sympathising with Martin and hated to see die and I recently experimented with editing the film into a sort of parody of the whole Gangsta Rap glamourisation of crime and violence - but for me the key thing was I wanted Martin to live and was motivated to make a version in which he survived - albeit a very different version. I put it up on YouTube, though it seems it's not coming up on the searches on the site - it can be found through the link in my post above.

Anyway, thanks for posting here and all the best,


Time for a new signature, perhaps. Hmmmm...


In response to your inquiry,

According to Wikipedia, Erwin Walker legally changed his name, got a job as chemist, and died in 1982.

Here is another source that states that Walker died in 2008.

A poster on this board indicates that Walker died in 2007. Hard to say which year is correct, without confirmation from some official source.
