The age of Judy's mom

So, I was enjoying this film, right up to the point where Judy points out to her father that he married her mother when she was only 17. They were celebrating their 20th wedding anniversary. That meant Judy's mother was only 37!!!!! She looked at least 10 years older than that. It reminded me of the movie Marty, when his ancient mother laments that she is in her 50's. Her fifties!!


People simply age differently now - they take better care of themselves, there are better medicines around, and people do not do as much physical labor as they used to. A thousand reasons why the 50 year old of 1950 looks like the 70 yr old of 2010....


I agree with you. I did they math and thought it was ridiculous that she wassupposed to be 37. She looked 60, as did Judy's father.


Selena Royle was about 44 then.

I agree with the poster who noted how people aged physically faster because life WAS tougher in so many ways. Also, I don't think they were obsessed with defying youth, lavishing themselves with all sorts of treatments. They accepted growing older, with some exceptions of course.

Think how much life expectancy increased throughout those years, meaning people did start looking "young for their age". We've gotten accustomed to older people defying the aged look.

Unfortunately, for the first time in a very long time, age expectancy is going to be dropped due to the not-so-healthful choices of GenXY. Look at those generations for people who definitely look old beyond their actual years! I see men in their 30s who are balding, with beer bellies and deeply lined faces, and relatively young women who look as haggard. I'm shocked at the actors and actresses of those generation; their appearances are disintegrating rapidly. So, fingers shouldn't be pointed at those in the past. Check out your contemporaries.

*** The trouble with reality is there is no background music. ***


That hideous unbecoming old fashioned hairstyle didn't help either. She looked around 63.


I, too, was surprised at finding out that she was only 44 in this movie. I am 71 and look younger than she did then. I was 70 in my avatar picture taken last year.


Her dad and her grandpa were actually the same age in real life.
