Howard playing against type?

Maybe not:

Trevor Howard, the star of the 1945 movie Brief Encounter, earned the respect of his peers recounting his brave military past, parachuting into Nazi-occupied Norway and taking part in the Allied invasion of Sicily. After his death, Public Record Office files revealed that he had been invalided out of the army and judged to be mentally unstable with a "psychopathic personality".


Sainthood has a tendency to do that.

What is the sound an imploding pimp makes?


Griffith Jones is certainly playing against type. His accent is hilarious.


I had not previously heard that HOWARD had ever claimed to be a war hero.

I posted years ago on the TREVOR HOWARD page the reaction I got from a workmate when I mentioned I like TREVOR HOWARD in THE THIRD MAN.

My mate told me that his father had been in the British Army in Northern Ireland in World War 2 in Howard's unit.

The man said that Howard was crazy and had an unnatural interest in his troops bodily functions.

In this film he looks like he is out of his mind most of the time.
