stunts with Jackie the lion

Does anyone have information on the lion-on-the-ledge stunts?

I'm presuming that, 20 years later, there were a lot more camera tricks, false sets, etc., but since Lloyd was so invested in physical comedy, I wonder how much of it was real. And whether there were any additional stuntpeople involved.

Jackie the lion, btw, must have been either castrated or heavily drugged. He really is just a big pussycat; even his occasional roars don't quite invoke a sense of danger. What was scariest was Harold dangling from the chain, and wondering how Jackie kept his foothold through all that swinging.

The movie itself was fun - a few twists in the predictability factor (who'd a thunk he'd (a) buy a horse-and-carriage cab, and (b) buy a failing circus?) - though no longer novel, since Hollywood had already addressed virtually every absurd situation imaginable.
