
Owen wilson will play Walter Mitty in a remake.

The Path of righteousness will lead to the Triforce!


I swear - Hollywood is running out of ideas. Is there nothing they will not desecrate to turn a buck? Will remakes of “Tom & Jerry” cartoons be next?
If Hollywood is not remaking a true classic like Danny Kaye in “Walter Mitty” they are stealing ideas from comic books. When will something NEW come from the Left Coast? Or are we to be beat to death by rehashed movies?
I for one will revolt! My movie money goes to replacing my laser disks with DVD copies of Frank Sinatra movies (the ORIGINAL “Oceans 11”), Andromeda Strain, Kelly’s Heroes, the ORIGINAL Vanishing Point, the ORIGINAL Around the World in 80 Days, Don Knotts as Mr. Limpet or The Ghost and Mr. Chicken, Patton, Midway, Tora – Tora – Tora, or the great Panic in the Streets with Richard Widmark. Now those are movies for my money.
In fact, aside from “Hitchhiker’s Guide” I can’t remember the last time I was in a movie theater.


I'm with you. Can you imagine that no-talent Owen Wilson trying to replace Danny Kaye? Jim Carrey would be a better bet, but even he can't hold a candle to Kaye. They just don't seem to make physical (and verbal) comedians like they used to. I won't see a remake, including "King Kong" even under torture. What's next, "Shane" starring Brad Pitt? Sorry kids, your getting overblown, watered-down stuff from Hollywood these days. Thank God for DVDs and IMDB.


Wow, for a "no-talent" Owen Wilson seems to have produced, co-written, and starred in some excellent films. I did not know that talentless people could accomplish this. Hey, npuzzo200, I guess that means that even you can write, produce, and star in a critically acclaimed film.
Honestly, what we have here is the easy solution of past-worhip. I'm a big fan of classic films, but just because classic films are great does not mean that new films are automatically inferior. The same goes with fame and popularity. Not every "independent" actor is superior to the popular Hollywood actors. We tend to look down our noses at popular actors and their fans because it makes us feel sophisticated to cite how much better "so in so" was in a similar film released in 1945. The problem is that this limits us. It enables us to dismiss new films as rubbish and not view them critically or analytically. The jab taken at Brad Pitt for example (come on, you picked too easy a target) proves that you have never seen 12 Monkeys, Fight Club, or Se7en. The fact that he also made Mr. and Mrs. Smith does not detract from his great work.
The truth is for every great classic performer there is a modern actor striving to accomplish greatness. Don't beleive me? Watch Nicolas Cage in Adaptation or So-ri Moon in Oasis. Tell me they do not acheive greatness and I'll laugh more than you've already made laugh.


I dont see the point of remaking any classic if you are not going to improve it. Now in the case of King Kong clearly a remake is not a bad idea as you get to use the fantastic special effects available to us today. In the case of Walter Mitty I see no point in a remake. There are very few scenes which would be improved by special effects. It is Danny Kaye that "created" the Walter Mitty persona. I am all for a film on a similar idea maybe with new twists and sketches but a blatent ripoff is not required. Just let the youngsters of today watch the original. I have yet to watch any remake (except perhaps KK) which I would say I enjoyed more than the original.


Is this still going ahead???

I hate the obsession Hollywood has for remaking classics, most of my personal favourites have been done or are talking about getting remade! I like to think or perhaps hope that this will generate an interest in the original with a new audience.


Bunburyed, I am a lover of classic film and I tend to stick with them because i know Im getting something good. I think the reason modern films get slapped around is because there is more "crap" produced today (too many willing to go out and see this crap just makes the prob worse) we have to sift through the rubble to find a film that deserves our time. The problem is while sifting through the "crap" we get fustrated with the time wasted (or at least I do.) I do like independent films beause a good deal of them are created from a passion to tell a story and have to rely on the basics to get this story across and dont rely on "as many" big names as big films. The big companies dont get the chance to get their fingers in the mix (adding their ideals and footprints into the moive) causing a distortion of the origional idea for the film. sorry theres my soap box. :)


"What's next, "Shane" starring Brad Pitt?"

Or perhaps Citizen Kane starring Jack Black? It is painfully apparent that Hollywood has run of of both ideas and artistic integrity.


I just saw your comment < What's next, "Shane" starring Brad Pitt?

and can't stop laughing. It's such an AWFUL thought that I won't be surprised if they've read your post and have it in pre-production now!


"In fact, aside from “Hitchhiker’s Guide” I can’t remember the last time I was in a movie theater."
lol Uncle Dave M you got cheated that time too since hitchhikers was originally a book that they just (badly) copied. Check out the book it's much better. ;}


I vote against a remake but I do not always.... As above I can't see how a remake would improve on this. The cast in this movie was perfect....including the dog.

Read My Lips!!!!


I agree that the cast (1947) was perfect. Danny Kaye is in a class all by himself. I have yet to see a current actor that could bring what he brought to his work. I do however think that there is a chance to make this movie in a more modern setting (Not necessarily remaking). The story is great, with comicbooks/graphic novels being so popular these days I think it could work. I don't think that they should use someone like Mike myers Jim carey or anyone else from that slap you in the face comedy styling. I think they should use someone who is less "loud comedy" and more "timing" or "grounded" oriented (now dont everyone go off and say I am slamming anyone, I'm not!)The "sytle" needs to stay with the picture. I'm afraid that the remake would make it bigger than life in the wrong ways and make the film a horrible mess. Keep the class....I beg of you (whom ever the powers that be are)


It's was also made into a radio show and a TV miniseries. The 80's series is far better than the book, or the later movie remake. Sometimes remakes are a good thing.


Hitchhikers guide was first on the screen as a bbc television series in the late seventies.

I got it,I got it,I got it...I ain`t got it


... And before that a book and before that a radio series


owen wilson would be an interesting choice

When there's no more room in hell, The dead will walk the earth...


However according to imdb it's Mike Myers and not Owen Wilson and I don't know if that is much of an improvement. Frankly if I would choose an actor to do the remake, it's Robin Williams, although maybe he's too old, but I can see him being able to combine that blend of befuddled innocence and steely resolve that Danny Kaye had in the film. Plus he can also do that kind of shtick that DK did, although I find that a bit annoying nowadays and fast forwarded those parts while watching the film again.


Good point on Robin Williams....I can see him doing a good job on this....either way as posted before, viewers might be drawn to the original, and pick one as the version they like best.

"A child of five would understand this. Send someone to fetch a child of five."


I'm all for a remake... only because that means they will probably release the DVD for the original. It's impossible to find :-(


Ive just sent an email to the production company. I WILL stop this from happening god dammit!

Amy doesn't eat gold or have a flying pony


I puked when I heard dumbass Wilson would be in it. He's a thespian wannabe with no talent whatsoever.


owen wilson would be an interesting choice

What do you think about Ben Stiller? He might be starring in a new version of the movie.


I really don't understand the need/want to cast a remake. Most good originals can never be duplicated let alone surpassed.

I came to Casablanca for the waters.....


Looks like the remake is very much back on the cards :

The Secret Life of Walter Mitty (2013) :

Ben Stiller directs and stars as Walter Mitty!

You're not only wrong. You're wrong at the top of your voice.


this isn't even a remake.
this is another adaptation of the same book. This is just like Total Recall (1990) followed by Total Recall (2012). I don't think the 'remake' even tried to be like the 'original'


So, even more idiotic dreadful unnecessary remakes of a classic.
