The Ending

I didn't catch the ending of this film. What happens after she calls the cops and they are coming to get Tyrone's character?



She convinces Stan that the sirens are all in his head and that he has a guilt complex stemming from Pete's death earlier in the film. Stan meets Molly at the train station and tells her that they should part ways and that she should rejoin the carnival. We find Stan some time later drinking with a bunch of homeless men and repeating Pete's act about the crystal and the stock reading about the boy and his dog. Stan makes his way to a carnival and gets a job as the geek. He goes crazy that night and while on a rampage, Molly, who happens to be working at the same carnival, finds him and convinces him to calm down. The film ends with the carnival workers asking the manager, "how does a guy get that low?" to which he replies, "he reaches too high."

reply that's what happens. Thank you very much.


This was a very good movie and the ending was tragic. But perhaps he deserved that with all the low down things he had done. This is one of the movies of the 40's and 50's that would be a good movie to remake.

One of Tyrone Powers' best performances if not his best.
It is available on dvd. I found it so much of a downer at the end that I have
not purchased it.

I wish everyone a HAPPY NEW YEAR!!!!!!!!!!


"It is available on dvd. I found it so much of a downer at the end that I have
not purchased it."

Actually the ending of the book was MUCH worse. He goes on a rampage...but Molly doesn't calm him down. He's left alone at the end...but you couldn't end a movie like that in the 1940s so it was changed.


This is still a POWERful (pun intentional) film made even greater by the ending.

"What's the most you ever lost in a coin toss?"


I had guessed that he was going to end up the Geek.They did a good job with this movie.It came full circle and he really got what he deserved it a most appropriate way.Still I felt sorry because he actually had a gift.This is the first I've ever heard of this movie.I'm glad I caught it by accident.


That last line actually made me cringe, meaning "He reached too high."

Besides being a miserable pun, it's also a load of post Depression Era, post WW2 balony that was typically used by the wealthy and powerful to keep the public in their "proper place".

It wasn't "reaching too high" that caused his demise, but rather his criminal character, fraud and greed, and selfishness.

The Eyes of the City are Mine! Mother Pressman / Anguish (1987)
