Why is this not on DVD?

I personally think it is a great adaptation of the book, better than some later ones.

UPDATE: It is now out on Region 1 DVD and available on Netflix.


It was available in the UK as part of the now deleted Ealing Classics box set. If you're in the USA then it's yet to be released. It's a shame this and other Dickens adaptions (Pickwick Papers) aren't as well known as others of the time.


it is currently available on amazon.co.uk in the "used and new" buying option for as little as 15 british pounds(as part of the region 2 "ealing classics" dvd box set)....that's a bargain, but be qick about it because this is a rare item and a lot of people want it ! :-)


It is on dvd region 2 now.

"The Beamer Xperience: 9 feet wide home cinema bliss."


The comparative absence of British stars Americans are familiar with is probably a big reason it's not available as a Region 1. Most Americans have never heard of Derek Bond, and Sally Ann Howes is largely forgotten here. Only sophisticates know the names of Cedric Hardwicke and Sybil Thorndike. The best known one to Americans now is probably Stanley Holloway, mainly because of "My Fair Lady."

The Republican Plan: repeal all reform; collect payoffs; go yachting (but not in the Gulf).


I see ....

The Democrat Plan: Patronize all minorities, push for voting rights for felons, prisoners and illegal aliens if needed, promise them a life free of hard work and hand out the freebies - fund them at any cost (hard working tax payers be damned) so as to garner enough votes to win. Double the National debt, demonize those who earn a living/contribute to society, promote 'class warfare' rinse and repeat. *Should you loose an election, claim 'voting irregularities' and drag the Nation through the mud in order to get your way. Should you forget the plan, refer to "Rules For Radicals" / Saul Alinsky.
