References two movies

The film references "Of Mice and Men" (1939) and "The Lost Weekend" (1945).


There was one thing that reminded me of Double Indemnity, but it ended wrong. I still believe it was a parody of the phrase though. In Double Indemnity MacMurray says something like he was in it for the money and for the girl, but he didn't get the money and he didn't get the girl. In this Hope says something like he was in it for the ring and the girl... he got the ring, but he didn't get the girl.

Spare me your 6th grade Michael Moore logic! ~ Secretary Heller; 24, Day 4, 7:30:00 a.m.


Makes reference to Tarzan movies when climbing the tree to get back into the house when the cops don't believe his story.


And of course it references all of the "Road to" movies that were done by Bob Hope, Bing Crosby and Dorothy Lamour by having Bing Crosby show up as the executioner at the end and having Dorothy look longingly after him while kissing Bob. Bob and Bing were always competing for her affections in the "Road to" movies.
