The Millerson Case

We have watched most of the "Crime Doctor" shows, but saw only half of this one. How did it end? I have assumed the wife killed the husband because she thought he was interested in her sister. These are wonderful shows and we would love to own all of them if they could be bought on DVD or even on VHS.


No the wife didn't do it. It was the father of the little girl with the doll. His wife was going to leave him for the man. He killed Dr Millerson because he figured it out.The best part was the way Dr Ordway tricked the killer after he pretended to be insane.Dr Ordway told the men standing in the jail he had a way to tell if the victim was indeed insane. He would give him a piece of paper then set it on fire. The killer assumed that an insane person wouldn't have sense enough to drop it once it started to burn his fingers he still held on to it. All the men said he was definitely insane. Dr Ordway then said it proved just the opposite. He said sane or insane a person would automatically drop the paper when burned. He said he knew the killer was faking and would do the opposite.

"Today is the tomorrow you were worrying about yesterday!"




This was probably the worst of the 'Crime Doctor' movies - as it's full of "Hokey Yokel" characters straight out of the hills of West Virginia or wherever. Dr. Ordway was initially a gangster and so the "Big City" is where he does his best work and should have stayed. Also, I would have liked to see Margaret Lindsay and Ray Collins stay with the series, as well as having Dr. Ordway using his old "gangster knowledge" to apply to more of the situations in his crime solving techniques.


To be fair it is only in the original 1943 'Crime Doctor' in which Margaret Lindsay and Ray Collins appears. That first film is not typical of what the series became. In fact in some ways the original is divorced from the rest of the series. So by the time this eighth film was made the Crime Doctor had longed moved on.

The Crime Doctor's gangster past is hardly ever raked up in the series. Margaret Lindsay's character never became his wife and is never mentioned again. Ray Collins' doctor character is redundant because Ordway himself has become a doctor. He continues to live in New York throughout the series but he does visit other locations in one or two other films. I think this is the only film where he goes right out into the wilds because the poor bloke needs a break from the Big City.
