I need a spoiler

I watched this film for the first time tonight on TCM but got distracted during the last 5 minutes. Does the doctor get off the boat?




The sub refuels with the tanker and instructions are given not to talk to the tanker crew because the war is over. Never the less, the tanker's crew tell the sub's crew and there is a mass exodus from the sub. The posh bird who was knocked out earlier in the film and the reason they kidnapped the Dr. gets smashed between the two vessels and is presumed drowned.The sub refuels and pulls away from the tanker. Realizing that the tanker might rat them out to the Allies, the sub sinks the ship, machine guns the survivors in the water. Below deck some of the remaining crew mutiny, kill the hard core Nazis and flea to the lifeboat set adrift during the tanker sinking.The Doctor who has been locked in a cabin during the whole refueling episode is released by the teenage girl who has befriended him earlier in the film. The Doctor stays back because he fears he'll be shot if he appears on deck lays low until it gets quiet. Once it is clear that everybody is gone/dead the Doctor is shown writing his memoirs with his only companion, the kitten. Cut to an American destroyer, with the Dr writing the ending of his tale and the destroyer torpedoing the sub. Fade to black... Finis....


Bummer. Thanks!
