No no no

I couldn't stand this movie. Ginger was about a dozen years too old to play this part,plus I didn't like the phony little girl voice she used.Heck,if you watch one of her and Fred's movies made in the mid-thirties,she had a deeper and more grown-up sounding voice back then.
I feel the same way about a movie when Ginger played a grown woman AND a 12 year old kid.She has a too knowing look in her eyes,and it's all too phony.
Some younger actress should have played this part,maybe Joan Leslie.
I like Ginger,but not in these two movies.


I like it when Ginger plays a kid. That was apparently her favorite type of role. Major and the Minor was great. Wish I could find this one even though I probably wouldn't like it too much.

I could care less, but I don’t care enough to bother.


It's possible, and likely, that the producers/directors made those decisions, not Ginger Rogers. In 1947 only the very top actors had any clout and actresses had almost none. You did what you were told or you didn't work.

I'm just wondering though, did you have a problem with Harrison Ford, in his 60s, playing Jack Ryan, who was supposed to be in 30s?

Or Jimmy Stewart in Liberty Valance, at age 54, playing someone right out of law school?

Or Clint Eastwood, at 69, playing a real ladies' man in True Crime?
