Diving Scene

In one of Ginger's fantasies she dove into the water with Cornel. I stopped the DVD at that point and it wasn't Ginger who made the dive. It was Ginger when they were kissing underwater, but not her body when they showed a full shot. You will see what I mean if you have the DVD. There is a Mary Adams Hayes listed in the cast but she was uncredited. I looked up her bio and she did stunts and extra work. Does anyone know if she was Ginger's body double in that scene?


think so.



It could be but since when do they list stunt people or body doubles in the cast; especially back then? I may be mistaken but I don't think they do. They have their own section or they're not mentioned because they don't want to draw attention to them. Besides, they have no speaking parts.

Woman, man! That's the way it should be Tarzan. [Tarzan and his mate]
