
1/How old are the lead characters supposed to be? The actors,Lancaster & Douglas, would be 20 & 18 when Frankie's prison term began, not old enough to be a real force in the organized crime-dominated crime of bootlegging. 2/Why bootleg beer? Successful bootlegging required concentrated, compact goods like whiskey. 3/What called for Frankie's 14-year sentence? 3/A successful businessman like Dink could put a word in with the authorities a get Frankie's sentence convert3ed to work-release. that no such effort was made is a very real reason for Frankie to be angry, yet this is never brought up.


(1) do a few years here or there really matter in the story? no. (2)somebody had to bootleg beer...maybe some younger, less-experienced bootleggers like the ones you said might have been 18 and 20 years old. (3) Dink calls Frankie his 'murderer' friend, though it is not mentioned as I recall, who was murdered. That, plus bootlegging, evading arrest, etc. was enough to get him 14 years (seems murder might have gotten him a lot more?). (4) Dink mentions early in the film that if he had been known to associate with a murderer like Frankie it would have hurt his image and his club business. Surely putting in a good word would have had the same effect. And yes, Frankie is very sore about not even one visit or letter from Dink.


During the flashback, one of them shoots the driver of the car chasing them. Based on where the bullet went thru the windshield, I assumed the driver was killed and that's where the murder charge came in.
