
This movie is being broadcast on the Black Family Channel on Aug 10th at 8pm, Aug 11th at 1:30am, Aug 11th at 9pm, and Aug 14th at 5:30pm.


You can rent the movie from Netflix too. It's part of a double feature with The Duke Is Tops.

Worth checking out.

>>Oh, well that's different. Nevermind!<<


I'm watching this film now. Really cheesy production values, lousy script, uneven acting but Cab Calloway was fabulous. It's a shame that Cab was a product of another era - if he was around today he would be a huge movie star.


I don't know if modern audiences would appreciate his music. It's real music... real talent... not like what passes for music these days.

It is a cheesy production but its great that his amazing talent is preserved.


Hi Mr.Deltoid77,

Cab was very attractive especially in the 30s and was a triple threat. It blew me away to hear what a rich baritone he had. I think if he was young and around today, he'd have a real following.
