Is this the film where...

Does Lana climb through a long tunnel in a cliff and come out in a monastery where nuns greet her? If so, what had happened to her just before and what did she do when she got out of the tunnel?
I saw this movie once and was mesmerized by this scene.


It was Donna Reed, not Lana Turner.


She was distraught because she lost her parents & the man she loved deserted her, so she was an emotional mess. The nuns took her in & restored her faith & she went back home.


Thank you so much for this information!!! I want to watch this scene again.


Please, watch the whole movie again! I don't want to include any further plot points for fear of spoiling the story for you, but the convent scene has vital significance to what happens to that character in the story as a whole. Not to mention, the other plot about Pioneers in New Zealand with, in fact, Lana Turner is not to be missed.


All right, I will buy it if I come across it. Thanks for the advice!


Yes she was upset by events in her personal life but her more immediate concern was drowning when the tide came in and blocked her access to dry land. She had to climb thru the tunnel up to the nunnery for rescue and, as it turns out, salvation. A note on special effects, in the story she was climbing vertically up some hollow shaft, in reality Donna Reed was probably crawling horizontally thru a rocky looking movie set.


she was stranded on the beach when the tide came in and climbed up the tunnel to avoid drowning.
