
I couldn't help but notice reading most of these comments that when it came to the Native Americans in the story--like when mentioning a remake--it was only them that needed a "pc makeover".

BUT you can STILL portray white hill folk as backwards, lazy and unsophicated, and that that is OK.

Why is that, not that I have to ask, just curious about the answers I'd get...

"Go back to your oar, Forty One."


Easy. One is now a protected class and the other one isn't.



No old movies need a "pc makeover"

None, zero, nada, zilch

"pc makeovers" go over like a lead baloon.


They don't need makeovers. Those who don't like them can just not watch them.


Stereotypes have a basis in reality. I've seen Indians who were much like those two in the movie, and rural white people much like Ma and Pa Kettle. The Indians were shown as benign, socially accepted members of the community, probably the most positive portrayal of that time.
