Black Swan (2010)

Similar stories with the character getting wrapped up in a role, and it spilling into real life.


interesting similarities.

When there's no more room in hell, The dead will walk the earth...


It's funny, I got a chance to speak briefly with the writer of Black Swan (I caught a special showing), and in my search for something to say I brought up this movie.


I don't know about that.


My daughter mentioned to me that she sees definite similarities between the two roles.


Black Swan is dirt on the shoes of the great A DOUBLE LIFE.


MMmmm .. interesting idea..

Pause to think about it...

OK, I will buy that, with minor reservation.. Tony isn't being driven / bullied / pressured by anyone but himself, but I can certainly see the similarities.

Thanks for a thought inducing point

few visible scars


There is a facile similarity. Here Tony is old and is mind is losing it as well as losing his sense of perspective

Its that man again!!


Funny, someone on the Black Swan board asked about movies similar to it and I recommended this this film. I came to this board specifically to see if anyone else noticed how similar these films are.
