Hazel Brooks

Hazel Brooks: a sizzling actress: mixture of Veronica Lake and Lauren Bacall in my opinion. She should have had more (femme-fatale) roles!

However, Hazel Brooks' contribution to this film (Alice) is rather small, almost a bid part. Stills, promoshots and DVD-covers give a wrong impression.
(like M. Monroe in ASPHALT JUNGLE: only 5 minutes in this movie, but shown on many DVD-covers, movieposters and promoshots...)
Alice' relationship with Charlie remains vague. The scene with their first meeting (showing Alice's nice legs only, when Charlie is training, like THE POSTMAN ALLWAYS RINGS TWICE roling lipstickscene), promised a lot. Peg never shows any jelousy too. Weird. Summary: some disappointment in the scenario.

By the way, I saw the R2UK/PAL transfer, excellent, but no subs and only 4 chapters.



First time I saw her, Lauren Bacall came to mind. And how about this coincidence; Hazel was born eight days before Lauren!
