Special effects

One commenter praises cinematographer Jack Hildyard for the amazing special effects of this studio made film. Actually the credit goes to the brilliant art director, Alfred Junge. I met Jean Simmons in 1991 and she recalled when he showed her how he put together the trick shots.

Also, I don't know the VHS or DVD transfers. The commenters refer to the dramatic scene when Kathleen Byron (Sister Ruth) breaks down, removes her habit and is seen applying lipstick. There is more to this scene which was censored in the U.S.: in closeup she is first seen putting on stockings. Is this in the VHS or DVD transfers?


The cinematographer was Jack Cardiff not Jack Hildyard. It was Jack Cardiff and art director Alfred Junge who worked out the special effects between them, no one person was responsible for them. The Archers worked as a team, an artistic creative cooperative

After applying her lipstick, Sister Ruth has a final chat with Sister Clodagh. Sister Clodagh then dozes off. The bible falling to the floor doesn't wake her but the candle going out does wake her. But by then Sister Ruth has gone.

Sister Ruth is putting on her fur-lined boots, maybe that's why someone thought she was putting on her stockings

We never see Sister Ruth removing her habit she is wearing the red dress when Sister Clodagh goes into her room



Evidently you have not seen the non-censored British release with the close-up shot of Kathleen Byron putting on stockings. This was too much for the Breen office.

I stand corrected on the cinematographer. Although Jean Simmons told me she recalled how Alfred Junge showed her how he created the special effects, that doesn't mean he didn't work with Cardiff, as you say.


Evidently you have not seen the non-censored British release with the close-up shot of Kathleen Byron putting on stockings. This was too much for the Breen office.

I've seen the original British version many times. We don't have a Breen office or a Hayes office here. I don't recall any stockings, only boots



My recollection differs. We'll have to agree to disagree.

Incidentally the print I saw many years ago was a nitrate print and I remember vividly how absolutely gorgeous it looked.
