
What is IMDB doing in suggesting that is you live this movie you may also like The Shining. That is crazy.

Well, if anyone can offer an explanation, I'd love to hear it.

It was such a terrific movie, I simply loved it. The Shining I loved too, but totally for different reasons.



Both films deal with isolationism and what demons it brings out in humans as a result.


I agree. The Shining is a horror film, while BN is more of a psychological drama. However, they both deal with characters who are driven insane by isolation and attempt murder (in The Shining Jack Nicholson actually succeeds once, though)


well its changed now to lord of the rings which is an even stranger choice.





Well ... in a few of those scenes showing Sister Ruth gone mad, I could have been watching a horror flick. I was shocked at how well she did DEPRAVED as a look.

"I have opinions of my own --strong opinions-- but I don't always agree with them."


Lord of the Rings LOL!
I haven't seen this yet though I'm getting it on dvd soon, and I can see the parallel to The Shining would be more sane: highly-tstrung people in isolation in a remote space. Another one is Max von Sydow as the polar explorer Dr Andrée in Flight Of the Eagle (1982), an amazing study in human courage and vainglory, with Max in his element (saw this in the theatre at the time). Unfortunately never released on dvd though it will probably be in the near future.


For some reason the suggestions in IMDB are useless and even stupid or
idiotic, and some are even downright offensive, and totally opposite.
I do not know how they get this, but I suspect when they have more data
in about 10 years maybe they will be able to do something about this.


Well, 10 years later they indeed do seem to work quite fine most of the time.


Thanks for reminding me, but I still do not find most or many of the suggestions offered by NetFlix, Amazon, IMDB helpful. Maybe my interests are too diverse or complicated. Check back with me in another 10! ;-)
