Up Goes Maisie on TCM

I saw this Maisie movie this morning on TCM.

It was an entertaining entry in the series, although it started a little slow for me. Maisie graduates from secretarial college and then has to fight off every male she encounters, including the dean of the college. That was a but much for me.

Anyway, once Maisie meets George Murphy, everything gets going and the plot becomes real interesting. Hillary Brooke and Stephen McNally are real good as the villains, and a pre-Lt Tragg Ray Collins is always great.

The helicopter ride finale is very entertaining and makes this one a very watchable Maisie Movie.


I enjoyed it too. A lot of reviews like to say how 'dated' these Maisie films are, but for me it's been fun to see what kind of things were popular during the 40's. I've caught a Maisie movie every Saturday morning for the last few weeks, and it's been educational. :)
