MovieChat Forums > The Stranger Discussion > Tower scene thrill...Hitchcock

Tower scene thrill...Hitchcock


I couldn't help but think when watching the incredible scene towards the end with Welles trying to escape or elude capture in the clock tower relating to a similar theme in many later Hitchcock movies. The thrill of the height. Movies that come to mind are Rear Window, Vertigo, North by Northwest, To catch a Thief. There are probably more. I couldn't find any discussion online relating the height thrill in this movie to many similar "thrill scenes" in Hitchcock movies of a later date. Any thoughts on this? Any Hitchcock movies that were filmed before "the stranger" that had a height thrill?

I really enjoyed that last scene in and outside the tower.



Hitchcock was fond of suspense scenes involving tall edifices. Before Welles did this one, I can think of two Hitchcock movies, offhand, where Hitchcock used the thrill of heights. In 'Foreign Correspondent' (1940), there is a scene on Westminster Cathedral tower in London. In 'Saboteur' (1943), there is a scene on the viewing platform of the torch on the Statue of Liberty in NY harbour.
