MovieChat Forums > Song of the South (1946) Discussion > Even though it is dated and a product of...

Even though it is dated and a product of its time...

I know this film contains black stereotypes, but so what? It's still a very good movie. There are some movies that have already been released on DVD that are products of their time as well. "Cabin in the Sky" was an all African-American movie that I have in my collection. It contains a disclaimer at the beginning that says it is a product of its time and contains stereotypes. I have a collection of Tom and Jerry cartoons where there is a character named Mammy Two-Shoes that is a black stereotype. Whoopi Goldberg introduces the collection, and says that is a product of its time where these biases were very commonplace, and to ignore them would be like pretending like they never existed. I have some collections of black and white Mickey Mouse cartoons where Mickey sometimes smokes, drinks, and dresses up in blackface(imitating Al Jolsen). Leonard Maltin introduces some of these, and says these cartoons should not be hidden away, but seen as products of their time, and that it is better to watch them, and realize how far we've come since then. Today, children have easier access to violent mad slasher movies than they do to SOTS, a sweet (though dated) Disney movie from 1946 that won two Academy Awards, for heaven's sake! Why not just release it with a disclaimer and let us decide for ourselves?


Exactly. The film isn't racist, it just has some stereotypes. There's a difference. If nothing else, the Brer Rabbit stories (the highlights of the film, should have a proper release).
