Vera Ellen looks 'fat'

Actually, she looks completely different from the person who went on to become known as a dancer extraordinaire.

Apparently, she suffered from anorexia.

Her appearance in "Kid" seems odd given that most people now "skin-and-bones" Vera.

I barely recognized her.

"Don't call me 'honey', mac."
"Don't call me 'mac'... HONEY!"


I had the same reaction -- I came here to confirm that that really is Vera Ellen. I think she looks great here. It's a shame she starved herself later.


I don't think she ever looked better than in this film --- Her big dance number she was very sexy in --- it bothered me later like in a White Christmas she looked so sickly --- it was probably people saying she looked fat which helped her become anorexic --- She looked perfect here ---


I had no idea she was anorexic. I always liked her legs. She had big, muscly dancer's legs, like an athlete's legs, very different from the shapely legs of the era's pin-up models.
"Club sandwiches not seals" -
