MovieChat Forums > Great Expectations (1947) Discussion > How did Magwitch...... *SPOILERS*

How did Magwitch...... *SPOILERS*

.....became rich??? I did not understand that part, all of the sudden you learn that he`s been looking after pip for years but i didnĀ“t quite catch that part... Great movie BTW

Swoon, I'll catch you


edu-far, Magwitch explains to Pip on his return to London that he is a famous Sheep Farmer in New South Wales.
This film was on Film4 again today 29th July 2007 and I also have the video of this film in my collection of great film classics.
Hope this clears up your question.


OK, now I understand why he was rich, thank you for answering my question

Swoon, I'll catch you


It was on PBS just last nite. Unfortunately, toward the end with Magwitch succumbing, something happened to the sound for about 4 minutes!


Thanks for that info. I recorded it to make a DVD for a friend who had never seen it and you saved me from wasting a disk.
