
What do you guys think happens at the end? Does Bette go to jail, or is Hollenius's death accepted as a suicide? Does Karel let her give herself up or does he keep her secret?...and if he does, are they happy? It's left so open-ended that I always end up wondering. They do walk out together, but they don't hold hands or anything at all. The way that Karel says "You'll never lose me" at the end makes me think that he doesn't let her give herself up; or maybe he does, but he never deserts her. Maybe he comes to visit her in jail or something, heheh. It's a pretty sad ending, in any case...I'd like to think that they can still be happy, but I don't really see how. It's also so stupid that Bette kills the guy at all, since she just ends up admitting their relationship anyway and Paul Henreid doesn't care. (Though maybe that's because her simultaneous confession of murder puts it in a rather forgiveable light.)


The implication is that Christine will be arrested - the Production Could would have required this.

"Stone-cold sober I find myself absolutely fascinating!"---Katharine Hepburn


I thought that they ran away together afterwards or acted as if she was innocent once she would be questioned so she'd get away with it.


I think they come up with a solid story to give to a lawyer in the morning as Karel suggested, and that Christine either gets off or gets a slap on the hand and Karel stands by her no matter what happens. But it was a frustrating ending in that she kills Hollanious for nothing since she admits everything to Karel anyways & also has to admit to the murder as well. Hollanious told her to admit it all along & quit being a fool - she should've listened b/c once the truth was out, it wasn't that big of a deal. I like what the OP wrote though, that perhaps that was b/c it was forgivable alongside the confession of murder. I don't see why he wouldn't have been able to forgive her for the affair considering that she thought Karel was dead anyhow & hadn't seen him for who knows how long? And he was so forgiving at the end & vowing she'd never lose him, that certainly he must've been that way before so she should've been able to trust him enough w/ the truth in the first place!

But it was a good illustration of how lies snowball & you keep having to lie to cover up the last lie and eventually it all blows up in your face & the truth always comes out. Good movie and excellent acting by the 3 leads!

"Are you going to your grave with unlived lives in your veins?" ~ The Good Girl


That's what I thought - but I assume that the Production Code would have had to make such a development explicit, and this wasn't...

"Your mother puts license plates in your underwear? How do you sit?!"


It seems to me that Davis's character wouldn't have a chance because, although she was wearing gloves when she shot him, HIS fingerprints would not be on the gun.

 Excuse me for talking while you're interrupting.
