Missed Opportunity?

When I first saw the title, I imagined it might be a film which used Broadway as the scene for a zombie riot, and a comment on musicals in general, with entire musical numbers being taken over by zombies, and press agents, choreographers, and singers becoming "zombiefied" until the entire Great White Way was filled with zombies, as several erstwhile heroes (possibly a mix of chorus girl, customer, and disgruntled playwright) work to stem the tide. I don't know: loads of comedic potential in the title setting. But - no - it's just a crappy Abbot and Costello ripoff with few redeeming qualities past the recycled Val Lewton sets, props, and minor characters. Bela is wasted (but that's what Bela did best in his later career, so it wasn't a surprise), and though Jeffries look just fine, she's no great treat. I always like seeing musical numbers in a film, so that was fun, but imagine how much more fun it would be to see an entire musical number done by zombies, like the "Putting On The Ritz" scene in "Young Frankenstein" but larger and with more sequins? Busby Berkeley on acid!


Well, a 40's movie with zombies is bound to have flaws so high expectations should be brushed under the carpet. In the movies i've seen with Bela Lugosi, he's often wasted but he did overact and star in crap movies. This happens to be one of the better ones.

Basically, a zombie musical/comedy sounds good. You never know what's around the corner.
