I love this movie. I think it is one of Danny Kaye's best movies. Where's the DVD? I'd buy it in a minute.

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It's my favorite Danny Kaye film too; I never get tired of watching it. Everything about it is great, from S. Z. Sekall's grumpy delicatessen owner to Kaye's stunning ability to write with both hands. It won a much deserved oscar for its special effects which were very good for the time. I wish more people knew about this film, it's a real gem.


I just ordered a brand new region free DVD of this movie from alibris.com. It cost $31, which is probably 2 or 3 times as much as it SHOULD cost, but it's better than getting a used copy from Amazon for an outrageous price like $259 or whatever it is.


This is my favorite of Danny's movies. I love the scene about the potato salad at the delicatessen. "shooo shoo" lol



I defy anybody to hate the film! It's chicken soup if you are down or ill - or both.

You can take a horse to water, but you can't climb a ladder with a bell in both hands.


Certainly makes one want to eat Potato Salad. I saw this once when I was very young and haven't forgotten it. I just bought the DVD the other day (I was lucky, I got it for a normal price, apparently it's usually sold in the three-digit price range for some odd reason) and it was every bit as good as I remember. I wish anyone else luck with finding it. I found it at a used-book shop.


Hope I'm as lucky in finding one -indiannika!

I saw this movie sixty years ago-Mom took me and my kid brother to see it-

We still laugh when we see it - specially the scene in Prospect park, Brooklyn, when the ghost of Buster's zany brother gets inside his body- I'm laughing even now-remembering it!

Goodnight Mr.Kaminski -Wherever you are!


I really love this movie!!!

It's one of those classic marvels that can never die.

Every moment something great and unexpected happens. I've never seen Danny Kaye before--now it's my mission to watch as many of his films as I can. It's funny, he's an inspiration to Bugs Bunny and all those classic cartoons we used to watch.

Palp-ably inadequate, palp-ably inadequate


a great bit is in this movie but many miss it. on the bus when he comes out of his daze and the old lady tell him that this bus is going to brooklyn and he panics and tells the driver "but i dont want to go to brooklyn i dont want to go to brooklyn!" and the bus driver replies "listen pal none of us want to go to brooklyn but we all gotta go sooner or later"
just great stuff and a great film from begining to end, Hollywood just dont have this kind of great storytelling abilitie any more, which is sad.


"listen pal none of us want to go to brooklyn but we all gotta go sooner or later"

Gotta love those one liners, this film which I love is full of 'em. I do love this movie as well, but love "The Court Jester" and "The Secret Life of Walter Mitty" more though, but both of those are in my "Top 25"....

"A child of five would understand this. Send someone to fetch a child of five."


How about his bit as the singer who has an allergy to flowers. Gosh...my sides are still aching!


I LOVE THIS MOVIE, TOO! It's the first Danny Kaye film I seen, and I'm hooked (also couldn't take my eyes of first-time-seen-as-well Vera-Ellen) that I've just seen another; you can find me there!
