MovieChat Forums > A Tree Grows in Brooklyn Discussion > TCM Needs To Show This Movie!

TCM Needs To Show This Movie!

I have requested it several times on their website. It is a perfect family movie--not too saccharine, but moving. The book is loved by millions. It is a chance to see the little-seen James Dunn in an amazing performance as Johnny Nolan. Peggy Ann Garner: A "natural" who puts today's child actors to shame. Dorothy McGuire captures all the nuances of the Katie Nolan described in Betty Smith's book. If they aired this movie a couple of times a year, I'm sure it would draw huge audiences. Please go to the TCM website and request it in the "Suggest a Movie" area. Maybe we'll see it by Christmas...?


I agree that this movie should be more readily available to those who love it and those who have not yet seen it. Fox Movie Channel does air it from time to time, usually in the early morning hours. Perhaps since TCM has started showing more Fox movies, it will eventually make an appearance.

"You will care for me, though. I grow on people. Like moss."



This film is one of the best. It is scheduled to be broadcast on TCM on Feb. 8th, 2009 at 8PM ET.



Thanks for letting me know that--what good news!


That's right, in a couple of hours!

I never think about the future, it comes soon enough


I have never seen the movie. This is my most favorite book ever, I gave it to my daughter Christmas before last, and we are watching this together tonight. I hope it's good.


TCM is showing it right now.



And I hope you were not disappointed! I watched tonight and cried for the whole two hours and 20 minutes. Now I'm buying the book.


I was bored and decided to watch some tv. Usually when this happens, I wind up just going channel to channel. Other than sports, I'm just not that big a of a tv viewer.. just not into many sitcoms or today's shows. I came across this movie on TCM and decided to give it a watch. I could not change the channel for some reason and was grossly drawn into this film. That hasn't happened to me in many, many years and this film was made in '65? wow..

Absolutely loved it. Loved the whole pre WW1 scenes on how life was back then.. it must've been rough. think things are tough now with this economy? I can't imagine what it would've been like to live back then..

for a non-movie goer like myself, this was a great film and recommend it to everyone of all ages.


You overlooked an entire generation - for shame (;)), it was from '45.

I never think about the future, it comes soon enough


I saw the movie when it was on last month, on tcm. I liked it, but I liked reading the book a lot more.

Laugh often Live simply Love much


Just watched it this morning on FMC. Awesome...the performances were incredible and I cried!


The movie wasn't bad but it wasn't that great either. Maybe I expected too much. That happens with books-into-movies.

I read the book again after watching the movie, to bring the "book version" back to the memory forefront.


I thought it was a fantastic film.
Gown removed carelessly, head less so.


I also loved a rare sensitive side of Lloyd Nolan which was not a typical of him.

I just wanted to mention, in Lloyd Nolan's defense, that he gave a very sensitive and beautiful performance in Peyton Place, as Dr. "Doc" Swain.


Comes on Tuesday night at 8pm on TCM....9/25/2012!! This will be my first time watching this movie....I can't wait!! I'll be back with my thoughts.....good or bad.


I sure hope you're able to see it. It's on right now (on TCM) and I'm watching it again. It's just one of those movies that can be seen over and over again. Touching movie with a great cast. I hope you like it!


Fox owns the rights to this film. TCM is MGM and WB, NOT Fox.

In any case, they evidently got permission to air it. I recorded it on DVR and just got around to watching it. It's the first time and WOW. I cannot believe I've always missed this one.

Random Thoughts:


It's on again right now.


TCM has played this a number of times. I always watch it. It's a beautiful movie.

"If I don't suit chu, you kin cut mah thoat!"


It's on TCM On Demand now.

"Joey, have you ever been in a Turkish prison?"


always have to check TCM In Demand if you have Time Warner cable. Not only can I watch it when I want but I get to see it again and again.


It's going to be on TCM tonight at 12:30 central.


Try the FOX Movie Channel after all this title belongs to FOX.


Thank you. TCM is now showing this movie a few times a year--they started a couple of years ago.
