Cigars yes, Cigarettes no?

I've read several things stating that a scene with Goofy smoking a cigarette has been edited from the DVD release of Saludos Amigos. I've also read that they've edited Pecos Bill smoking from the film "Melody Time".

Yet, the Parrot, Joe Carioca, is allowed to keep his cigar?? In "Saludos Amigos", Donald Duck lights Joe's Cigar with his breath when Joe gives him a beverage. Joe puffs away while it's being lit. In "Three Caballeros", before Donald opens his present from Brazil, smoke from Joe's Cigar is literally pouring out of the gift. The little Crazy Bird also briefly steals Joe's Cigar and puffs away at it.

So what's the difference? If Disney feels they need to "protect" kids from smoking, why are only cigarettes edited out? In terms of tobacco content, Cigars are worse than Cigarettes. In the end, neither is good for you. Do they think that Cigars are somehow "safer" or that kids won't try Cigars?

Personally, I don't feel that any Smoking Scenes should be edited from the films. One reason is to protect the integrity of the original films, the other is that I don't feel that kids will be driven to smoke just because Goofy's doing it or Pecos Bill is doing it. Kids don't smoke because they see a cartoon character doing it, they smoke because they see Mom, Dad and other adults doing it. That's the Real Truth of the matter.

If they're worried about the smoking in the cartoons, just put a disclaimer in front of the film like "We at Disney don't advocate smoking" or something like that. Plus, just teach the kids that Cartoon Characters ( or "Toons") can smoke without it hurting them, just like a Toon can get hit on the head with an anvil and live. Toons can do anything, Humans have limits. Humans can get Cancer from Smoking, Toons can't. It's a simple lesson and one that I think kids understand completely.


They probably figured kids would have a much harder time getting a hold of a cigar than a cigarette. That or that editing out the cigars too would more or less destroy much of the animation and personality of Jose.


Cigars are much harder to come by.
