I've always been a big Jack Carson fan and try to see as many of his films as I can. This one has somehow slipped through the cracks all these years. I recorded it on the DVR from TCM and I just finished watching it. Robert Osborne was right when he said, "Wasn't that a nice movie?" Yes! It was great!

I could relate to all the ups and downs that Rosalind Russell's character was experiencing, and I understood her reason for being optimistic at all times. That's what kept me watching. Then when Jack Carson finally popped up in the film it just got better and better.

The movie deserved some Oscar nominations for both Rosalind Russell and Jack Carson. A Best Picture nomination is also deserving.

Lastly, I think Jack Carson was probably at his most handsomest and most fit in this film. Truly gorgeous. And, Rosalind Russell was really quite beautiful in this picture. I couldn't help but laugh when one of her sons called her "homely" as she and her kids sat in front of the courthouse in their beat up car.

The film might not be for everybody but I really enjoyed my two hours.


I'm like you, I watch everything with Jack Carson that I can. I watched this one again tonight. I tend to skip over the part with the first husband, so I start watching around the time they're sitting in front of the courthouse in their beat up car.

I'm looking forward to seeing Blues in the Night (1941) early next Monday morning on TCM. I haven't seen that Carson film yet. Now that I know he had a brother who was an actor -- Robert Carson -- I'm trying to see some of his films and TV shows, too.
