I'm watching it now

It's a very fine film, beautifully photographed with an excellent cast. It showed how the British pulled together during the war. There are melodramatic parts but who cares? A lovely film and worth a look.


Managed to catch the last 15 minutes or so. What happened to the father that made him consider suicide? I know it will be a spoiler but who knows if I'll ever get a chance to see this again.


without going into too much detail ....

Because of something he did earlier in the evening, he felt he brought dishonor to his reputation as a war hero( of the First World War) and to his wife and child.

I caught about the last half of this movie. As they say, not a GREAT film, but certainly worth watching for the excellent performances. It's a compelling bit of side-history to the WW2 war effort in Great Britain, and I'd like to see the entire film some time.


Hi zaza_22041,

Since this film is not well known and rarely screened I don't think we have to worry about spoiling it for anyone. The father had lived off his experiences in W.W.I and his charm for years. He was a drunk who sponged off everyone, especially his long-suffering wife and daughter. Finally, he was caught in a pub taking money from a woman's purse. He couldn't b.s. his way out of it and was so humiliated that he decided to kill himself.


This will be broadcast on BBC2-HD Sunday coming (13th October 06:05hrs).

Not sure how good the print they use is, sometimes the old RKO films they show weekend mornings look very good, sometimes not.

You're not only wrong. You're wrong at the top of your voice.


The end gets me every time.

This is truly a Valentine to the good women of WWII England and the tender power of Eleanor Roosevelt.

Pass the tissues please?

The whole world's searching for their own BopGirl!
