slightly unrelated

but not quite cos it is about an old horror film that has different short stories. i'm trying to find an old horror, i think it's british but may be wrong, where it's short stories all based around furniture that is bought from an antiqur store. all i remember is a tricycle and a very creepy story about a mirror. please help, i want to see this movie again!!!!


The film 'From Beyond The Grave' (1973) with Peter Cushing is about stuff bought by various people from a spooky antique shop. There's also a story in it about a haunted mirror called 'The Gate Crasher' with David Warner. Can't remember if there's a tricycle bit in one of the stories as I haven't see it for a while (even though I've got it in my collection!). Maybe that's the film you remember?


"I am not young enough to know everything." : Oscar Wilde


nice one, i think that is the film. i may be getting the tricycle part mixed up with another film.

cheers x


Think the tricycle might be tales that witness madness
