MovieChat Forums > Dead of Night (1946) Discussion > This Movie Is REALLY Good

This Movie Is REALLY Good

Saw the movie for the first time tonight (Halloween) on TCM. Was not expecting it to be so good. Just seems like it was way ahead of its time. I'm kinda new to alot of the classic cinema but I'm trying....

MichealRedgrave's acting was really good. I was looking into the Blu Ray and stumbled onto this :
"Redgrave, of course, was an actor well acquainted with psychological conflict in his own troubled life, often channelled into his work." Made his ventriloquist character completely realistic.

Will definitely be getting this on Blu Ray.

Solid 8/10.


Agree 100%; also as on TMC. Thankful for my Hammer Horror group on Facebook that clued me in. I rated it 10/10, because I love anthology horror; and, this certainly was an early example, which must have influenced many, many others, including Amicus Productions! Which, happens to be my favorite production companies; I have nearly all their anothology horror tales on DVD, with Tales from the Crypt at the top of the list!


I'm so happy they show this on TCM, especially as a Halloween feature! I stumbled across this a few years ago and re-watched it yesterday. Man this movie was ahead of its time. Stylistically it is polished and creative and its very critical perspective of psychology and ambiguous narrative feels at points even post-modern. Only wish the audio quality was better, as I ended up watching it with subtitles because of the many muffled voices. But, being 70 years old (!!), I can forgive it for that.

Wish I could find more historical and contextual info about this movie and the people involved. Pretty sure I haven't seen anything else from any of the writers or directors, but I would like to, since this is quite a gem that needs more attention!


I first watched this as a child who spent a lot of time with grandparents who watched a lot of old classic movies. I loved this movie then as much as I do now. I find the "room for one more inside sir" line so chilling in it's simplicity.
I was lucky to find it on DVD about 10 years ago, and even my husband liked it, and he is no fan of B&W movies!
