Arithmetic mean = 8.1. Median = 8
but overall it gets a 7.5?????

whats with the IMDB's ranking scale


Have your read the IMDb text on its rating scale?

IMDb publishes weighted vote averages rather than raw data averages. Various filters are applied to the raw data in order to eliminate and reduce attempts at 'vote stuffing' by individuals more interested in changing the current rating of a movie than giving their true opinion of it.

The exact methods we use will not be disclosed. This should ensure that the policy remains effective. The result is a more accurate vote average.

Have you noticed that if you add up the scores of all 17 categories of DEMOGRAPHIC BREAKDOWN, and divide by the number of categories (17) you get 7.48?

If that is the "secret formula", then a "ballot box stuffer" who uses different IDs to vote more than once per movie will only contribute to 1/17 of the score (i.e., never half the scores, never a majority of scores), even if he votes hundreds of times. -- His demographic does not change; that is, he would have to create 17 IDs to match the demographic breakdowns, and then stuff the ballot box, to push the score of the movie artificially high.

"The Shadow knows." -- Lamont Cranston


As clever as that may be, there's nothing stopping said ballot box stuffer from establishing accounts in other demographics. In other words, there is no foolproof (or rather, cheat-proof) system, and in my view the arithmetic mean should be displayed.

