MovieChat Forums > The Bells of St. Mary's (1946) Discussion > In The Land of Beginning Again

In The Land of Beginning Again

Does anyone know if this song is on a Bing Crosby CD or on the movie's soundtrack? I simply melt every time I hear Bing's syrupy voice.


I was doing a search for this song also and was wondering if you have been able to find it on any albumn available, either by Bing Crosby or someone else.
I was on Amazon and have been going through the 489 listings for Bing Crosby but it is pretty tedious and I haven't finished yet. The song actually showed up on a search for another song and I did called Don't Sweetheart Me. It showed up on an old albumn by some guy, I ordered it and now Amazon is saying it's no longer available. I was so disappointed because those are 2 old favorite songs. Anyway, if you have any info I would really appreciate it.


Wow! After I posted the previous message I went back to Amazon. Hadn't noticed before they have a search by song title feature... put in The Land of Beginning Again and just look what came back!!! Toooo freakin great!:):)

cut and paste this into your browser and you will be in "The Land..." heaven:)


I regret to inform you that it doesn't work on my browser. Oh, well...


It didn't work for me either, but I just searched, and the album showed up.


Hi, I only found this board/question tonight, so I don't know if the original poster will ever see this may have already found what you're looking for.
But, a search of the Rhapsody (by Realplayer) music guide comes up with an album called "The Humphrey Bogart Era" which is a compilation album; the song "In the Land of Beginning Again" is on that album, sung by Bing Crosby. Rhapsody offers several levels of subscription, one of which is 25 free songs a month once you download the free software. I don't know if the song is on any CDs, or the movie soundtrack; I don't have either; I would think it would be on the movie's soundtrack at least.

Hope this helps.

Kathy K.
[email protected]


Is it on iTunes?

And now for something completely digital...


I can send the song to you. Post your email or message it to me.
