The Ending Ruined The Movie

The ending in the movie was absurd. It completely ruined what was a good movie. Why did they chicken out on the ending? Why couldn't they just follow the book.
Lombard and Vera running off together at the end was just pathetic. And when Lombard says "you call em" that was ridiculous. It totally ruined the movie.


Oh my god. i havent seen this version but if what u say is true then this movie sucked bigtime. How can they ruin the ending like that.....Lombard and Vera running off together thats ridiculous


Actually, it's because Agatha Christie herself adapted her book into a play and changed the ending that way (I think she felt a "happy romantic ending" was more appropriate for a play), so the movie took that turn as well.

Christie did something similar in "Witness for the Prosecution" -- although the surprise ending is the same in both the short story and the play, there is a still further plot twist in the play that is not in the book.

And in "Death on the Nile", Christie actually DID change the end for the play version she wrote.

I won't spoil your enjoyment by revealing the changes!


I can remember, that there is a version of this film-theme, in which all characters died, except the murderer I suppose. Can anyone tell me, from which year this version is (if this film ever exists)?

Another question is, how THIS film ends, and are lombardo and vera lovers and/or is one of this characters the murderer?

sorry for the bad english and thanks a lot for answering.



I agree, the ending was bad, but it was because when the movie was made, World War II was going and when people went to the movies, they expected a happy ending. It took their mind off their troubles and reassured them that good would prevail. As for the other movies, they were just remakes of this one and kept the ending of this one. I think it's time that the book was adapted properly.



So what exatly was the ending...i read the book (and thought that ending was awesome)... at the eend of this movie is the murderer still wargrave as it was in the book or what happens with the killer not trying to kill the last two (vera and claythorne) and if that was the ening it ruined it b/c it totally took t5he appeal of the murderer following the indian poem


As has been mentioned, Christie herself changed the ending when she adapted her novel for the stage, using an alternate version of the rhyme; there is a new stage adaptation running in London which supposedly reverts to Christie's orginal (but more downbeat) ending. I'd like to see a film version with the original ending - I think it could work today - and we'll probably see yet one more screen adaptation (though more than likely it will be for the TV screen).
